Skiil set of an Entrepreneur |
Telent Management Talent management means optimize the business growth and identifies with create values in business. Strategic Sourcing Solution This is the process of taking advantage of purchasing opportunities by continually reviewing current needs against purchasing opportunities. Resiliency The ability to weather the ups and downs of any business since it never goes exactly the way the business plan described it. This skill enables the entrepreneur to keep going when the outlook is bleak. More... |
NPD (New Product Development) |
1. Design for Function. 2. Design for Making. 3. Design for Selling. |
Risk Management |
Risk Management is the process of identifying, analyzing and responding to risk factors throughout the life of a project and in the best interests of its objectives. Proper risk management implies control of possible future events and is proactive rather than reactive. Risk Management Systems are designed to do more than just identify the risk. The system must also be able to More... |
Cost Optimization / Negotiation |
Project managers need to apply negotiation skills throughout the project life cycle. Early on in a project, as requirements are being captured and initial plans produced, the project manager may need to balance the time, cost, quality and scope requirements of the project and negotiate with stakeholders. As resources are mobilised or procured, the project manager will need to negotiate internally with line managers who ‘own’ the resources and conduct more formal contract negotiations with potential providers. More... |